In-Motion Weighing, Dimensioning and Bar Code Scanning

    Interweigh Systems build and support a full range of turn-key in-motion bar code scanning, dimensioning, and weighing systems.

     It all starts by understanding the prospect's needs and budget. A simple in-motion system can consist of an operator hand scanning the bar code on a box and then pushing it through an automated conveyor, automatically weighing and dimensioning it. A fully automated system could automatically scan a bar code from any five sides of a box, dimensioned and weighed all on the fly.

     Interweigh Systems builds and supplies the in-motion weigh system and partners with Datalogic for the barcode scanning and dimensioning.

     The images below show a three-conveyor in-motion weigh system with five-sided bar code scanning and dimensioning built and commissioned by Interweigh Systems. Datalogic 3 AV-7000 scanning cameras with a DM-3610 1 head dimensioning unit.

    4 products
    ISI In-Motion Weighing System Checkweigher Scales Interweigh
    ISI In-Motion Weighing System Checkweigher Scales Interweigh
    ISI In-Motion Weighing System
    Interweigh Systems Inc.
    EC-E Checkweigher
    HC-M Checkweigher
    HC-A Checkweigher