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Download Drum Scale Datasheet

Interweigh Systems Inc. designs and supplies custom-built portable drum scales. The scale is a compact low profile floor scale with 2 wheels on the bottom that allow you to move it through narrow doorways and entrances to weigh somewhere else. Just pick up the indicator and move the platform using the two wheels on the bottom. This drum scale system is also offered in an intrinsically safe configuration allowing for use in hazardous areas.

Notable Features

Upper and lower weight limits can be set to check if the product weight is within the specified range. These drum scales are also suitable for controlling the filling quantity of packed food, etc.

The indicator features a numeric keypad that makes for easy operation in counting mode. Unit weight and total weight can be displayed at the same time.

These versatile portable drum scales provide fast, accurate counting. Simply change modes to turn the drum scale into a counting scale. It is easy to preset and will quickly compute weight per piece after samples are placed on the counting plate.

Portable Drum Scale Applications

  • Shipping
  • Chemical Applications
  • Blending
  • Checkweighing
  • Drum Filling
  • Receiving
  • Warehousing
Capacity & Graduation Platform Size Construction
1,000 lb x 0.2 lb. (500 kg x .1kg) 30" x 30" Mild Steel
1,000 lb x 0.5 lb. (500 kg x .2kg) 30" x 30" Mild Steel
1,000 lb x 0.2 lb. (500 kg x .1kg) 30" x 30" Stainless Steel
1,000 lb x 0.5 lb. (500 kg x .2kg) 30" x 30" Stainless Steel
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