Weight Sets and Accessories

Weight Sets and Accessories

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  • 1(800)-268-3269
  • inquiry@interweigh.ca

Interweigh Systems supplies calibration weight sets and the accessories necessary for transporting, protecting, handling or maintaining those weights or weight sets. Our weight sets are available in Metric & Avoirdupois (aka Imperial): NIST Class F + ASTM Class 0 to 4 Metric & Avoirdupois (Imperial) and OIML Class E2, F1 & F2 Metric Only.


Interweigh Systems Inc or Rice Lake Weighing Systems.


Sizes to meet all weight requirements.


The following items are offered:

  • Calibration Weight Sets:
  • NIST Class F + ASTM Class 0 to 4 Metric & Avoirdupois (Imperial).
  • OIML Class E2, F1 & F2 Metric Only.
  • Weight Carrying Cases (for individual weights & weight sets).
  • Transfer Carts large weights, 500 lb and up.
  • Transfer Carts small, 15 x 50 lb - weight cases.
  • Canvas Dust Covers for large weights.
  • Gloves and Tweezers for handling weights.


Weight accessories are used by: Any industry or lab that wants to maintain the accuracy and condition of the weights they are using.

Before ordering test weights and weight sets, it is important to consider your application, the environment the test weights will be housed in, what tolerance and type of test weights you need as well as if you need any official documentation. Please use the following questions below to prepare your order. If there is missing information or if you have any questions regarding what you need, please call 800-268-3269. 


  1. Please describe your application and tell us what you need to accomplish with the weight(s) or weight set.
  2. What is the maximum amount of weight you will need at any one time?
  3. What is the minimum amount of weight you will need at any one time?
  4. Do you need something that is custom manufactured?
  5. What is your budget for this project?
  6. Tell us about your environment. Is it:
    1. Indoor/outdoor?
    2. Wet/dry?
    3. Windy/still?
    4. Corrosive, hazardous or explosive?
    5. A clean room?
    6. An environment with biohazard, electrostatic or magnetic conditions to consider?
    7. An environment with other noteworthy conditions? If so, what are they?
  7. Are you replacing an existing weight or weight set?
  8. If the answer to question number 7 is yes:
    1. What do you like/dislike about the existing weights?
    2. What configuration is the existing set?
    3. What style is the existing set?
    4. What laboratory documentation is needed for the existing set?
  9. Does this weight set need to be Legal for Trade?
  10. What other precision services/equipment (recalibration, balances, accessories, static electricity) do you use?

Tolerance/Type of Weights

  1. What tolerance are you looking for?
  2. Is your tolerance driven by the equipment under test, the application, an internal specification, a document or another source? 
  3. What "style" (ASTM, OIML, NIST) is required or preferred? 
  4. What configuration do you need (5-2-2-1, 5-3-2-1)?


  1. Do you need ISO/IEC 17025 laboratory documentation?
  2. If you do not need ISO/IEC 17025 laboratory documentation, do you need traceability to NIST?
  3. Do you need a Calibration Report?

Your existing weights and weight sets should be recertified on a managed periodic basis. The recertification period is determined by a number of factors, including but not necessarily limited to, the environment, frequency of use, demands of the process, quality of the weighing devices in question, age of the weights in question and handling during use.

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