High Precision Drum Scale

High Precision Drum Scale

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High Precision Drum Scale 

We offer High Precision Floor Scales in a variety of sizes, designs, weighing capacities and resolutions. These scales feature load cells that can provide a level of precise resolution required in the pharmaceutical industry. They can be configured as high-resolution instruments (30,000d), or for use in legal metrology (1 x 3000d/e). They are easily connected to intrinsically safe Minebea Intec indicators FCT01-X, CIXS3 or to Minebea Intec Controller in safe areas via an interface converter. All components for use in hazardous areas come with verification of intrinsic safety that covers all components in the modular series.

Notable Features

  • Use: For use in Ex-zone 1, 21 (2, 22).
  • Readability: 3,000 e or 2 x 3,000 e (verifiable) or 15,000 d or 30,000 d (not for legal metrology).
  • Weighing Capacity: 150 kg, 300 kg, 600 kg, 1000 kg, 1500 kg, 3000 kg.
  • Protection: IP67/68; suitable for wet environments
  • Versions: stainless steel, glass bead-blasted, polished or electropolished.
  • Options: Stop bar, lifting mechanism, Weighbridge height 25 mm or 35 mm, depending on the model.
  • Load Cell: Flat-bed scales with drive-on ramp (included in equipment supplied) with 4 strain-gauge-type, shear beam load cells.
  • Weighbridge Height: 35 mm or 45 mm standard.
  • Designs: Available in different configurations, including fold-up models, models with wheels, and many more.


As scales are used more and more in the pharmaceutical industry, their design has evolved to make them more efficient in the production process. Applications that require the weighing of large quantities and containers offer the greatest potential for savings as more costly handling is needed in such cases. Conventional floor scales are often a mechanical obstacle in the production process, while the latest designs are more ergonomic, easy to handle, suitable for hazardous environments and easy to clean. This makes them ideal for clean rooms in the pharmaceutical industry, for handling highly aggressive chemicals and in the wet production facilities found in the food industry.

 IF Series Complete Data Sheet

Technical Data

Weighing Ranges 150 kg to 3,000 kg
Platform Sizes 600 x 600 mm to 2,000 x 1,500 mm
Resolution Non-verifiable
15,000 d = L
30,000 d = I
3,000 e = LCE
2+3,000 e = NCE
Design P=Painted Steel
S=Stainless Steel
XS = EX protection, Stainless Steel
Height In Drive Through Section 35 mm, optionally as little as 25 mm, facilitating short drive-on ramps with very flat drive-on angles. In the case of pit installation, the required pit depth is only approx. 25 mm.
Surface Finish High surface finishes quality in accordance with DIN 11850, electropolished choice of 0.8 µm or 0.4 µm.
Protection Rating IP68
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