Manufacturing Software

Manufacturing Software

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Manufacturing Software

Interweigh's CATNet manufacturing software is a piece counting and data verification software package for manufacturing companies. Developed specifically with the automotive supplier in mind, our counting system can accurately manage multiple lines of production. Using Rice Lake's 1280 programmable weighing indicator, we offer a closed-loop system which tightly controls unit weights, part numbers and piece counts together with operator IDs, and any other relative data. Tote or box labels can easily be produced and all the data can be configured to meet system data entry requirements.

Notable Features

  • Designed specifically for the automotive supplier.
  • Works with Rice Lake's 1280 Indicator.
  • Connects any scale or balance with an RS-232, USB, 'Blue Tooth' or Ethernet output.
  • Offers real-time production data collection.
  • Features production, shipping, and real-time inventory reporting.

Are you an automotive supplier searching for manufacturing software that can accurately manage multiple lines of production? Our manufacturing software package is custom-designed to make it easier to integrate scale data with a customer's accounting and inventory software. This can be transmitted wirelessly to supply the quick and accurate information you need from your weighing devices. Our easy-to-use software programs offer several advanced features that are sure to help you streamline our operation. Our software packages allow you to easily connect any scale or balance with an RS-232, USB, 'Blue Tooth' or Ethernet output. It allows you to import the data from your weighing devices into your PC software.

CATNet Software

Counting and Trace Ability Software


Interweigh's CATNet PC manufacturing software is a robust application that communicates with up to 10 CAT 920 systems. It offers GUI product and operator data management and transfers to all systems, real-time production data collection, and colourful visual connection status. Featuring production, shipping, and real-time inventory reporting software integration. Enhanced by data storage in common formats such as Excel and Access, while maintaining the ability to be programmed to integrate production data into your current system (i.e. AS400, SQL). Enhanced by Interweigh's CAT PC Software to download product and operator data, receive real-time transactions, provide production reports and improve traceability.


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